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Lord & Company Posted by: Lord & Company 10 years ago

I have been blessed to work at Lord & Company for the past 20 years in multiple areas in the LC Team. I wanted to share just a few things that I enjoy about my day to day work at Lord & Company.

5. I enjoy the opportunity to work with different types of technology. Each new project provides new challenges; whether it is Radio (RF Technology), Fiber LAN, WAN, PLC Control Panels or some new instrument. I have the opportunity to work with new software and technology on a daily basis. This keeps me learning and enthusiastic about the next new project.

4. I enjoy doing quality work and being part of the LC Team that puts an emphasis on doing high quality work for our clients. Doing your best just makes everyone feel better at the end of the day. We strive to continue to improve our quality on each phase of each project.

3. I enjoy the teamwork and the people. We spend some long hours working together to meet deadlines on projects and it can get hectic at times but at the end of the day I really appreciate working as a team. I am an introvert; so working as a team helps me get out of my comfort zone. I have made some friendships at work with some great people that will last a lifetime.

2. Customer Service is another high priority and I enjoy being able to help clients when the opportunity comes knocking. I appreciate the fact that we will email the client their PLC code on a past project if they need it and help answer questions after the project is over. I have heard way too many horror stories about System Integrators that will not send their client the PLC programs in an effort to force them to continue doing business with them. I have been able to help our customers and competitors; that is truly customer service.

1. Integrity is our number one goal at Lord & Company. I enjoy seeing a company practice what they preach; integrity. I enjoy building relationships with vendors and treating them the way I would like to be treated. Integrity is our foundation and a benchmark for our success.

I did not have room to add in the lunch hour and I always joke about it being my favorite time of each work day. Everyone that knows me; they know that I like to eat. I enjoy eating in our lunch room with others to catch up with them and their family. I also like going out to lunch to some of the local restaurants nearby.

Thanks for taking time to read about some of the reasons that I enjoy working with and being a part of the Lord & Company Team.

Respectfully Submitted:

Tom Carico – PMP

Lord & Company, Inc.