Reclaim your Time with an HMI Software Hosting Solution: SMS SCADA
Posted by: Lord & Company 8 years ago
Lord & Company is a proven systems integrator providing control, monitoring, and information systems for improved, expanded, or new municipal water and wastewater treatment plants, industrial processes, or radio communication systems.
One critical component of these systems is SCADA technology. To understand the importance of a reliable SCADA solution, we will consider three things: current challenges around SCADA systems, key factors in successful systems, and how to choose a reliable solution partner.
Understand Challenges Surrounding SCADA Systems
In the vast networks of municipal water and wastewater plants, industrial operations, or radio systems, we know that SCADA systems are critical to uphold communication. Effective communication systems help organizations reach to remote locations and relieve those remote locations of the burden of requiring additional manpower. However, the time and costs associated with operating typical SCADA systems cause massive headaches for owners looking for seamless control, monitoring, and information systems.
With these challenges in mind, we created SMS (SCADA Made Simple) to offer an easy-to-use HMI solution that brings the benefits of SCADA technology.
Consider Critical Factors for Successful SCADA Solutions
Because SCADA systems manage many processes and withstand much interaction from operators, organizations need a SCADA solution that is secure, robust, and reliable.
SMS SCADA features a robust user interface that allows for information and data communication between monitored systems and the user. It allows operators to send and receive data, and control alarms and status through a user-friendly user interface. It saves time and money by using a cloud-based platform to mitigate the constant hardware and software upgrades required to maintain typical SCADA systems. With a highly secure data center served by a Tier 1 premium bandwidth supplier, Lord & Company has created an integrated solution with dual redundant servers for a safe, robust, reliable HMI solution

SMS SCADA is supported by our 90,000 sq. ft. data center with up to 25,000 servers. High-security data centers with onsite physical and electronic monitoring feature SSAE-16 and HIPPA compliance, and are Safe Harbor Certified.
Choose a Reliable SCADA Solution Provider
At Lord and Company, we are experienced in RF protocols, wireless technology, and the systems relying on your wireless network. Our teams use combined knowledge to help leading companies effectively use wireless communications for dependable and protected SCADA systems with solutions like SMS SCADA. Our CSIA certification, vast network of industry partnerships, and proven experience with large municipal water and wastewater systems like that of Brunswick County, NC, and fire, police, and EMS radio control systems have lead customers to trust working with us at Lord & Company time and again.
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