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Lord & Company Posted by: Lord & Company 9 years ago

I am proud to say that I have been working at Lord & Company for almost 20 years.  I started with the company in May of 1996.  One of the things that impressed me most about the company was their generosity.  Generosity is an area of my life that I have struggled with since I can remember as a small boy growing up in a rural area of Carroll County, Virginia.

We all like to exaggerate about how it was when we were kids.  You know the old stories of walking to school uphill in the snow both ways.  I always had food to eat, clothing and anything that I needed.  I did not grow up with very many items that I may have wanted.  I saw others with much more and I wanted to be like them.  At some point in my early childhood I made a decision that I was willing to work hard but I was going to get those things that I wanted.  Unfortunately, I decided to become a taker.

As the years have passed by I have begun to see that it is not about Taking as much as it is about Giving.  The little boy inside of me has finally realized that he wants to become a Giver and not a Taker.  This process started when I repented of my sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into my life on November 29, 1992.  That was the single Greatest day of my life and since that day it has been a process of change.

I am impressed with so many of my co-workers that give their time, talent and resources outside of work each week.  Some of them coach Special Olympics, others teach or train youth, while some raise money for charities or food for the hungry.  They come together for special events like Operation Christmas Shoebox and go over our goal of 200 boxes.  There too many to mention in this short article.

Lord & Company is a generous company that cares about our community and those less fortunate.  I have been blessed to see giving in action firsthand over the past 20 years.  Yes we have the most talented professional staff that I have ever worked with in my career but they are so much more.  They have demonstrated to me how to become a Giver and not a Taker.

You can ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I appreciate a job well done.  Well done Lord & Company Team.  Thank you for demonstrating volunteer work and for helping me to start opening up my hand and become that giver that God has always wanted me to become.  Lord & Company is a generous company made up of generous talented people that care about others.

Keep on making a difference in my life and those around me!     


Tom Carico – PMP

Lord & Company, Inc.